)O( Moonology )O(~ Quick and Easy New Moon Ritual www.tatianascavnicky.com

)O(  Moonology  )O(

New Moon rituals are for bringing in what you desire, instigating deep change at levels of our subconscious. Moon rituals charge the energy of your intentions and accelerate your belief in the power that they are possible. Using crystals and things like feathers, ascended master statues, icons, pictures, and even jewelry that call to you deeply, can be moon ritual tools.

*A quick and easy new moon ritual 

 Create a sacred place where you won't be disturbed.

 Gather your crystals and ritual tools. You may wish to choose items that represent the elements. Feathers for Air. Crystals for Earth. A small bowl or cup of Water. A candle or incense for Fire...or a picture that represents it. I have a picture of lava spilling from Kilauea.

 **SAFELY** light a candle or incense being sure to put it out if you are not in the room and at the end of the ritual. 

 Say a prayer of love and protection.

 Acknowledge the presence of Spirit and/or your Higher Power as fully present with you.

 Write your intentions down on a piece of paper.

Choose a physical action like meditation, dancing, kundalini 
breathing, singing or chanting. Sing your desired vision or chant it or dance it. FEEL your desires being made manifest. Charge your wishes with your expressive feelings of joy and celebration.

Know that your prayers and dreams have been heard. You have co-created with Spirit and taken action on your behalf and thank it. 

Blow out your candle.

Be ready for action steps to take! I have lots of meditations for manifesting including my Rhiannon Crystal Cave Manifestation Meditation

Magically yours,

**Please be SAFE when lighting your candle and choosing your physical action. Check with your doctor before doing any physical exercise or activity. Simply sitting with your desires is powerful  as well and a candle is not needed.**

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