☽❍☾ Aries New Moon ~ April 18th 2015 ☽❍☾ www.tatianascavnicky.com

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." ~Norman Vincent Peale 

Hello Aries New Moon! Get on your rockets and ride my dears. You may have been feeling this one early on this past week. This a the first new moon out of the gate after the stretch of eclipses, and astrological squares we've been through here on Earth. Do a new moon creating ceremony. New moons are for beginnings. Get outside in nature. Dress in pretty clothes that make you feel luscious and beautiful. Spend time with friends and family and celebrate! Be grounded so you can hold all that is coming in.

I am so excited to be using my new favorite deck!! The Vintage Wisdom Oracle. New beginning. New moon. New deck. Wouldn't you know it, when I did my first shuffle and card pick, I pulled the "new beginnings" and its in your new moon oracle card reading. 

The power of the number three runs all through the cosmic message for this new moon phase. I absolutely love when symbolism weaves a foretelling thread adding more layers to uncover and use from our end. Let's do it Aries-style, get right to it, and leave caution to the wind!

A musical muse plays her song and weaves her web. This card represents the Sabian Symbol called the "music of the spheres." Sabian symbols are words created for each degree of the zodiac. Her song is her gift. She listens upward towards the heavens for all questions, for all issues of life, love and the meaning of why she is here, and what to do with the gifts she's been given.

You have leaned into Heaven and into God's house for sustenance, to be fed, to be nurtured, to be soothed and to be welcomed. You are a co-creator creatress and Spirit knows who you are. There is joy in her face and expectation for all that is new. You welcome the moon phases now, feeling evermore deeply how connected we are to the Universe, and to each other. 

You want all good things so that you may bless and pass this good. Good in the form of health, wealth, love and joy onto others. It is clear that your spirit does not have to break for others...it must flourish and burn alive brightly. 

The power of three makes its first appearance here as the three doves flying above the head of our muse. Ideas abound. Lots of ideas! It may feel like too many. You prayed for ideas. Ideas are creativity made manifest. The doves also symbolize inspiration called. Lots of inspiration. These doves are shadowed representing ascending out of the past two years of murky depths, but they fly now representing our gifts. Our gifts contain our experiences, troubles, heartache...and our triumph of how we rose up to be heroes and heroines of our stories. 

Often we think we have only two choices, what is already happening and what should or could be happening. This or that. Forward or backward. Good or bad. As humans we naturally cannot always see all the options open to us. We think either/or. 

The power of three shows itself here as three choices and what I love is that there isn't a backwards choice. Choosing to stay where you are isn't always a bad thing. There is a choice to the left...check into your intuition. Up ahead look to your Higher Power (co-create) and to the right.  

There are so many options available! More than you can even imagine, so bring in your HP. Aries energy is intense, spirited,  reckless and impulsive but full of fiery inspiration. Aries peeps are trailblazers and mavericks. If you want to know more about Aries, read this. They are courageous and dive in where others may not want to take chances or move ahead. As a Virgo I appreciate the Aries-ness of my soul mate in life and music Mark Watson. He created his own record company and a catalog of world-renowned meditation music. A true Aries maverick.

 New Beginnings 
Thank you God for another sign that we are on the right track. There is nothing to be afraid of as there are so many choices available to you. Yes it sometimes hurts. Bad! It hurts to leave a relationship, even when it isn't bringing out the best in you. It hurts to leave a career or job you love, to be with your beloved in a new city. It hurts and is bittersweet to release in tiny bits, pockets of grief that will always be embedded mirrors of memories in your soul. But you will and you will be awesome. 

The power of three presents here as the 3 stars to the top left of the card. In angel numbers, 333 means you are surrounded by ascended masters at this time. Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Merlin, Saint Germain, Lakshmi, and Ganesh are a few ascended masters. Our angels are with us if we ask them to be, and those we call to be on our spiritual team or spiritual posse. 

Self-starter, game-changer energy is available to you at this time and you get to choose! The energy of this new moon is perfect for bringing in the new. It's giving wings to the new life you've been visualizing, creating and divining.

Remember small changes, like going to bed 30 minutes earlier, or choosing to meditate 10 minutes a day are huge in the scheme of things! Considering making a career change and feeling out your options is ma-jor. Don't be afraid to consider options and allow Spirit to create avenues unimaginable to a human mind. 

This is a general reading. It is my mission to help you find your way through life's twists and turns and to connect you deeply and profoundly to your Higher Power, your inner voice and creative power. The Universe always has our back,but if you have a situation you need help and clarity on , do not hesitate to reach out to me for a session.

Keep listening. Keep Divining. Keep Showing up.
You are amazing!

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1 comment:

  1. wow!! I am so ready for new beginnings in the work force! Its gotta get better right?? Praying my relationship with my partner will continue healing and we blossom into new wonderful Love of a Life time. <3 >3 <3
