Your Weekly Mantra ~ My Personal Charm Is Unstoppable!

Charming The Audience at Kona Rock & Mineral Hawaii

I invite you to take a little trip with me. Think back to when you were a wee one. There you were, a 4 year old flirting with your Aunt so she'd let you wear her ring for a bit, or flashing your toothiest smile to get a big delicious one right back...knowing you could make it happen instantly. Fast forward a few years to your first brush with a crush. You knew just how to tilt your head and flash an eye to the one you had your eye on, and look away. 

Soon you realized you could talk your way into a job you wanted with sheer enthusiasm and a flirty smile, or get your honey to do something for you by just giving that look. Think back to how thick you laid on the charm when you first met your beloved. Sheer magic... and we have "full" access to this...all the time.

It's called turning on the charm, and it can get you what you want, or really close to it. The best part is unleashing your seductive charisma, causes a chain reaction inside, and all of the sudden you are sexy, vivacious, happy and confident. This internal alchemy is super-good heart and soul, and for your health, and it makes you irresistible. It doesn't matter how old you are either. There's no mistaking a twinkle in the eye. 

Here are some ways to turn on the charm this week.

* Wear a dress or outfit that makes you feel sexy and free.

*Walk around naked. 

*Dance to your favorite music. (This can also be done naked.)

* Wrap yourself in lush blankets and enjoy a cup of tea, coffee or beverage of your choice.

* Write yourself a love letter.

* Wink at the person who made your magical morning latte.

* Get your boss coffee, or bring donuts to your co-workers.  

* Send yourself flowers with a note saying "nobody does it quite like you."

This week look in the mirror everyday. Wink and say "I am one hot mama and the world is my oyster." Oh to be a witness to what your charms will do and how A-ma-zing you'll feel. Charm the pants off 'em but by all means...start with your own. 

You are gorgeous!

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