☽❍☾ Aries New Moon ~ Super Moon ~ April 7th 2016 ☽❍☾ www.tatianascavnicky.com

I am so excited to use one of my new favorite decks, the Medicine Cards. A brand new deck for a brand new beginning. Get on your rockets and ride! Aries is in the house! And it's a super-moon. It's go time. Aries is the sign of the maverick, and the self-starter. Aries peeps eat passion and motivation for breakfast. Their cool exterior is just a ruse for a fire-starter living within. 

 Wild Boar ~ Confrontation 
When Wild Boar shows up its time to confront fears. Aries energy keeps showing up, dealing with challenges and setbacks. It's all part of the process, the journey. Expect the warrior energy of Wild Boar to lead you to victory. Believe in yourself! Believe in all who have gone before you and paved the way.

What pressing things are on your mind? What character traits are getting in your way? Where are you procrastinating? And why? Procrastination isn't always about laziness. Often its about fear. Fear of rocking the boat, or making changes you know you need to make. This goes for anything you are dealing with over and over. If you have something you can't get past, have a talk with yourself this new moon in your journal. Ask what yourself what you might be getting out of putting things off? What fear comes up for you? Are you afraid to lose control? Allow Wild Boar to help you go into battle, and stand up against your fears. Be courageous. 

Procrastination can also be a mask for something you really don't want to do. If getting your masters degree is simply a status symbol impressed on you, and you've been talking about for 10 years, it might be time to take that off your list. This new moon wants you to follow the what lights you up, and kicks your ass into gear! Where can you take a little risk? Even in how you think?

Make a list of goals and things you really want to do on a personal level, by level of importance. Don't be afraid to think BIG and in YOUR favor. Pick 1- 3 things that make your insides stir. If there isn't a green light for your picks, they might not be that important, or your belief as to whether it's possible could be a roadblock. If you are stuck, have faith and confidence in your strengths. What are you good at? What have you accomplished in the past? Gather strength by building on what you have done in the past. Still feeling stuck, get a reading to help see things with a different perspective, and to create a plan. 

Is there a person or situation you are avoiding? Be open to other points of view and possible strategies. Wild Boar says to think it through, and see how you can get past it. If you aren't ready to move yet, make peace with where you are, call in Spiritual help AND make a plan for yourself as if you were ready. Be aware. 

 Blank Shield Card ~ Special Totem or Ally
How perfect to have a blank card in the second position of this spread, symbolizing the present. Its open season. What do you want? What do you wish for? What flames burn inside? Have you given up on your dreams? Do you secretly wish to write or be a chef? Consider writing a blog. If you write a page a day, you could have a book, by the end of the year. Invite friends over for dinner if you love to cook. Share baked goodies with friends and get their opinion, or take a cooking class. If you love wine, write about your tastings and share with the world. Have wine tastings at your house. Be sure to send your guests away sober and able. Indulge your passions. Pursue happiness and fulfillment. The future is wide open. You have a blank space to create now. 

The blank cards are also representations of chosen allies. If you work with a special angel, this card symbolizes their presence, and influence in your life at this time. They have answered your call, and your prayers. I shared in this week's mantra, I've got my groove back, that our angels, and beings on our spiritual team cannot intervene in our free will. 

Your angels take your prayers up to your Heaven. The word angel means messenger. If Buddha is on your team, ask what his advice and guidance would be? What would Buddha do? What would Jesus do? Ascended masters guide us. Know that help is upon you now and the big U has your back.

 Raven ~ Magic, Death & Rebirth
The Raven represents a magic portent of the new moon in the context of this reading. Do not question your power as a human being, or your power as a spiritual being. We are human and Divine. This is a sign to co-create powerfully and confidently now. Do not question your power to co-create with your Higher Power. What's tired? What's dragging you down? Are you the cause of your drama and issues? Have you lost your connection to your Higher Power? Are you engaging in behaviors that dishonor you and others? 

This is a sign to stop doing what you know is not in line with your true heart, and your truth. Raven, another messenger says its time to get right with your authentic truth. Magic is afoot and available to you now, at the advent of this Aries New Moon. The old has already begun to fall away, so let it happen. 

Raven represents creative energy. Become the magician of your life. This means to move forward in the direction of how you are called. Simple things like following a hunch to go into a new store, only to find exactly what you were looking for. You could run into a friend, or hear about an event you'd love to go to. Be open to synchronicity. Be open. The world is a beautiful, mysterious and enchanted place. 

Your Aries New Moon Ritual
My energetic prescription for Spring cleaning and getting rid of things you no longer use is still good medicine now. 

*Clean our drawers and closets, especially if you feel stuck. Start with one, or just your clothes, or the bottom of the closet. 

*Clean out the receipts in your wallet. If you want to bring more money in, get a brand new wallet and/ or purse. Look for a bright red, pink, vivid green or gold. Black is good too. Make it special. 

*Celebrate victories. Celebrate your friends and family, and go out. Celebrate new beginnings. Toasts are truly magical ways of celebrating and bringing in the new. 

If you are still feeling hesitant, just BE Ready to move. 

*Oracle cards ~ Medicine Cards Jamie Sams & David Carson

Super Magical New Moon Blessings Gorgeous,
ps. Share this with your friends and anyone you think needs it. 

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