Solar Eclipse ~ NEW MOON in Pisces ☽❍☾ February 26th 2017

The upcoming Solar Eclipse/Pisces New Moon is a galactic event of powerful proportion. La Luna takes us on a super-deep dive into our subconscious and the patterns embedded into our psyche from the past. This is the last pisces eclipse for another 19 years. Pisces is the 12th or last house in astrology, representing the end of the astrological year. We begin again with Aries the child, the first astrological sign, on March 21st. Between now and then, know that childhood wounds, betrayals, bad relationships and experiences that touched our innermost places can be transformed. Light can shine in places hidden for years and years. Down through intergenerational family patterns and past lives, we can start with a clean slate, if we wish it to be so.

Pisces is the realm of illusion, fantasy, dreams, the subconscious and what lies beneath. I can't tell you how hard it was to begin writing this oracle card reading. Why? Foggy thinking comes with Pisces. I could not focus and felt like I was swimming. I lost my notes from earlier this week and then found them in the notebook I looked in three or more times. Unhappy with the cards I pulled, I considered reshuffling my decks and starting over. I even thought about changing the whole look of my blog, anything except getting started. Oh my! I WILL gather my earthly Virgo powers now! Knowing that Spirit is never wrong, here's what the first cards I drew have to say. 

☽ Sanctuary
This card is numbered 28 in this deck signifying the new 9 year cycle started in 2017. 
2 + 8 = 10       
1 + 0 = 1
In order to create a new beginning, being able to hear our innermost thoughts is key. Sanctuary calls for travel to quiet and reflective places within. Since the Pisces Solar Eclipse in March 2015 we have done so much work on ourselves. To navigate change, we had to. Many of us went through huge and catastrophic changes. In light of the last 9 year cycle coming to an end, Sunday's Solar Eclipse on February 26th marks the closing to that transit. 

It may seem like you are just different now. You don't think about things the same way. You may feel like your back was against the wall, experiencing many challenges that rocked you to the core. You are being re-cored now. From the private places inside we discover what drives us has changed. 

Boundaries are at play now and essential. We put in place protective borderlines. We need a safe zone from certain people, from the media and the noise of the outside world. Pisces invites us inside to where we can hear our Soul speak, to where dreams and magic exist, and to where creation happens. Be in nature. Water is Pisces' element. Take a ritual bath, or get into a body of water. 

In the context of this reading, Sanctuary also symbolizes the subconscious mind, the watery illusory depths of Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet of magic, enchantment, spirituality, illusion and fantasy, and it is aligned with Neptune. Haven't felt that inner starting point yet? Your toes might still be in the dreamy waters of Sanctuary. How would the future feel? Start there.

Page of Cups ~ Emotional, Intuitive & Intimate
A mystical priestess, sits in between worlds on an ethereal plane. She embodies the loving, spiritual and psychic nature of Pisces. She merges with the world. Her nature encompasses reality and unreality. The veil is thin. Your psychic power can be activated now. Meditate. Sign up for an intuitive class or training. Get some books that speak to your inner-guru. Activate him/her now. The Page of Cups is all about new experiences and adventures, and sweet love. Initiate your intuitive gifts. Activate your high priestess.

This lunar phase will bring eerie light to our inner saboteur. Where have you been sabotaging yourself or sacrificing yourself for the good of others? Pisces and it's ruling planet Neptune is where we get lost. Lost in emotion and depression, or blind to addictions and things that bind us. We used those habits to keep us comfortable and safe. We stayed in our habitual skins to ride it out, but we've outgrown ourselves. In September of last year the shedding began with a month of two eclipses. I recommend taking a peek at my oracle card readings from that time until now. It will help bring clarity. Check out Raw & Real Pisces Full Moon Lunar Friday Sept. 16th 2016
& Planetary Doorway: Virgo New Moon & Solar Eclipse ~ Sept. 1st 2016

As I write this, it is a dark moon, the dark inky void, just before the new moon. This phase mirrors the surreal underworld of the subconscious where sabotaging patterns live, and where they are erased, and replaced with new ones. Hypnosis works by taking us to that realm, the part of the brain where we can reverse and reset. Meditation and relaxation are other ways to get there. These envelopes of time can delete karma and pain from this lifetime and previous lifetimes.

Don't miss this chance to be inbetween worlds, in between thoughts to where a deeper frequency hums, where manifestation happens. Get lost in pleasure and creativity. Your creative flow, rooted in your sacral chakra, connected to pleasure, sexuality, enjoyment and creativity, is a direct connection to God/dess. Be sensual. Be dreamy. Create like a child does, with no sense of the past or future. 

This new moon has mega karma-clearing potential. Karmic lessons and experiences from those past lives, and who you were in the past in this lifetime, can be over. Hold this intention during the new moon. With conviction, power and intention, pray and ask that all cords and attachments in all directions of time be severed. Cords are the energetic connection that is formed between people. Cutting cords does not change the love you have for someone. A beloved you once called a soulmate, or your worst experience with a coworker or boss, or a someone who you feel betrayed by can be someone you have known in a past life.  Be open to healthy changes in your relationships. Because you have cut those ties, it may become easier to get along, or they will disappear. 

Do this during your new moon ritual. A ritual doesn't have to have be a lot of steps. Pull oracle cards. Write down your wishes for this new moon giving special attention to how you want to feel. How would your goals, desires and wishes make you feel? How can we know what we really want, if we don't know what drives our wishes and dreams. Having more time will make you feel how? Free? Declare, "I AM free now! I have more and more time for myself!"  Having more money will make you feel how? Happier and more relaxed about the future? Make the vow to claim happiness and peace now. This moon is all about getting that we create from the inside out. 

With Chiron, the wounded healer in the mix and in Pisces, this is a chance to heal our deepest wounds. Let quiet, love, oneness and compassion towards yourself, do its work. Clean and clear clutter in the areas of your home where you keep medicine and healing therapy. Be sure to take everything out and clean the surface area. Throw away expired medications and what you know you will not use again. 

I got the intuitive hit to sage my medicine cabinet. I lit white sage and cleared the shelf with smoke. It just happens to be in the healing/balance sector of my home. My intuition guided me to clean it out and then I remembered...ahh yes, it's in the health quadrant of my house! In Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, the healing/balance sector is directly in the center of your home and yellow is it's color. 

If you are not familiar with saging or smudging, it clears the energy of a space. It releases negative ions into the air, bringing on a more positive mood. Not only is smudging an ancient spiritual method for clearing energy, but scientific studies verify that it clears 94% of airborne bacteria. 

☽ Gratitude
The practice of gratitude is an alchemical force. Like love, it expands. Love heals us and others. Gratitude blesses us and others. It brings us to the moment of "right now". Sitting with feelings of thankfulness, peace, wealth, health...whatever you please, brings more. We come from a place of having, rather than not having. This New Moon Solar Eclipse is good for sitting with gratitude and being wide open to messages from Spirit, and to your divinely-intuitive nature. 

Scientific evidence proves that gratitude heals. Leading gratitude researcher Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., did multiple studies on the link between gratitude and well-being, confirming that it does increase happiness and decrease depression. Stating what you are grateful for is creating from the inside out. Keep a grateful journal. Write down a few things you are grateful for nightly, or in the morning. Feel into what you are grateful for. 

What are your most significant lessons? Learning them has given you confidence to take your power back. You will swim up and the future will crystallize and form. Faith is restored. We can let go of our former selves. If we don't get lost in illusion and fantasy, Piscean underdepths will regenerate our divine power, initiate our magically-intuitive nature and our future. 

Oracle cards: Oracle of the Mermaids ~ Lucy Cavendish, Starchild Tarot ~ Danielle Noel, Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

Wishing you magical moonbeams!

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