Virgo FULL MOON ☽❍☾ March 12th 2017

We chased our treasures here. 
Dug our treasures there. 
But can you recall?
The time we cried. 
Break on through to the other side. 

Break On Through ~ The Doors

Sunday's Virgo Full Moon brings alchemical renovation power to our lifestyles and self-care, and to the care and feeding of our hearts. Opposing Piscean energy instigates a break through from ancient and outdated patterns. This Full Moon is a beautiful opportunity to know what needs to go. Like a thorough and discerning life coach, she'll help you create a visionary plan for what you want now.

 Mary Magdalene ~ Unconditional Love
Opposing planetary forces in emotional and sensitive Pisces combined with the Full Moon in Virgo, can bring up deep feelings from way back in the past. Keep watch of anxiety and fears. What you are afraid of holds a gift. A diamond in the rough. A lesson to be learned for the last time. A key to the future. Pushing down our feelings and fears will not make them go away. No matter how much we eat or drink them away, smoke them away, over-perform and perfectionalize them away or whatever other method we choose, the root cause cannot be flooded, silenced or drowned.

The key is compassion. It's easy to have compassion for others. Mary Magdalene shows us that our own hearts need healing. We need love, attention and compassion. Perhaps we think if we give enough of ourselves away or drown out that pain, we will be healed. We will have relief. Relief comes when we give ourselves permission to feel our feelings. We are then aware and able to take care of ourselves. We can fulfill our needs and know what to do. We have a responsibility to well as others.

We are the keepers of our temples, the temples of our bodies, spirits and minds. Mary Magdalene was a temple priestess. She is closely linked to the Goddess Isis, the goddess of all things woman and magic. Mary Magdalene literally means "Mary of the Goddess Temple". She is also called, "Mary of Magdala" meaning from the town of Magdala, where doves were bred for that area's "Temple of Doves". Her presence here signifies that our wishes, desires and life's pleasures are good. Cultivating our peace of mind is good. We are not meant "only" to offer up our bodies for having children and taking care of others. We are also to meant to enjoy the pleasure of life and offer up ourselves and our lives to fulfill our own divine missions, and make our marks.

Virgo is called the Virgin because the original meaning of the word virgin means a strong, capable and independent woman. Goddess Diana, also known as Artemis, is the unmarried protector huntress that reflects autonomous Virgo. If you know a Virgo, you are fully aware they have their own ways of doing things and are usually super independent. They tend to marry later in life. Let this Full Moon move you to be 'a law unto yourself'. The Divine Feminine is rising. Sisters are being called. Enlightened brothers are becoming aware. We honor them. Together we make space to balance the Divine Feminine + Masculine. May true LOVE reign!

☽ Aine ~ Leap of Faith
A fairy princess leaps up into the heavens. She slips through a veil, freeing herself. Boundaryless, Aine travels in between dimensions to higher realms of consciousness. Like brainstorming, transformation comes from a new realm of thinking, not a recycling of the past. Strong Piscean energy in Chiron, Neptune and Mercury makes this is an extremely psychic time. Your access to your intuition continues to heighten if you have asked for it. Initiate yourself as Intuitive.

The Leo Full Moon + Eclipse was the beginning of a love revolution. Here is a part from that oracle card reading.

"We seek freedom, truth and transparency in regards to relationships. We see with fresh eyes where we are closed down in our hearts. Subconscious uprooting intensified at last month's new moon. The parts of yourself that want to be healed are just at the surface now. You know how you want to change. You see how you are with loved ones. Let yourself be open to seeing the blocks that have been created by past experiences connected to relationships, so you can let them go under the full moon."

Sunday's coming Full Moon gives space for this process to unfold on deeper levels. We choose to be courageous. We decide to own our shizz. We come to love willing to be a witness to our own shadows and character flaws, becoming accountable to the havoc they may wreak in our relationships. We have compassion for these flaws and come to terms with the adultness of love, which is to love ourselves, love others and give up seeking to be loved...but to be enveloped by LOVE itself.

Physical issues or maladies that you have had in the past may come up during this moon, three days before and after. They rise so they can be healed. When you are letting go, flu-like symptoms, allergies or rashes can present as these manifestations. Of course by all means see a doctor if you need to. It may be time to find a new doctor, perhaps an alternative practitioner. It is "the" time to get energy work because the wounded healer Chiron, will bring up deep stuff/shizz. For your head, it's also a serendipitous time to seek support and counsel.

What you are releasing can feel mega-intense. You may find yourself crying for no reason, overly confused or anxious. Careful not to get lost, but do find your way with your inner compass as mentioned earlier. Careful not to let these feelings keep you from the sweetness of life and your heart's desires.

Aine, Celtic goddess and fairy queen says it's time to take a chance! Be ready to do something you have never done, even if you don't feel like it. Take the steps you have been wanting to take. Take even just a baby step. She says going for the gold doesn't always feel right or fun. Motivation takes over when we begin. Do what you need to do now for yourself and your dreams. Don't wait till there is no more time left for you.

☽ Truth ~ Personal Truth
Virgo's superpowers include discernment and analysis. She joins Saturn, Father of Time and Karma. Time to create a plan and create structure. Virgo will bring clarity and counsel, sorceress that she is, to renovating your lifestyle, especially in the areas of health and spirituality. Regular meditation is part of her prescription. She rules the digestive system. If your doctor supports it, a cleanse would be really good to do now. However I can't tell you how many times I've felt one of my beloved clients digestive issues because they have gone totally raw without easing into it, or they decide to go on a juice fast during a really intense time at work. I literally feel their pain and their gas. (Wink) Start slowly. Please go easy on yourself. Even transitioning from being a ovo-lacto vegetarian (vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy) or pescatarian (predominantly vegetarian diet that includes fish) to being a vegan is a process and vice versa.

We are making big changes like that. You might feel the urge to start an exercise program or feel called to tai-chi or yoga. Consult your doc please. Virgo will make the methods clear to support how you really want to feel, which is the truth of the matter.

Another huge theme for this Full Moon is releasing blame. Yes very bad things happen. Life happens and it can be super hard and treacherous. It's time to cut the cords, meaning the energetic ties to these bad things. Staying there is like being stuck in mud. Being resentful keeps you tied and bound to that experience. Picture being bound. Not good right!? You are not saying you liked it or that is was ok. Decide you are moving on. Would you let a dear friend behind stuck in the mud? No you'd pull her out and help her move forward. It's time to move forward. You can do this! I repeat you can do this! And if you feel you need support see someone right away. Call a crisis hotline or a trusted friend. Enlist an ally or teacher, someone who can guide you with their wisdom and experience.

As much as I don't like to hear this, look at what you learned about that situation. How will use that information for the future positively? What do you need to clean up? Take responsibility. Now is the time. Decide to move forward in the midst of the pain without knowing how. Do the best you can. It will be worth it! Be strong.

Have you heard the wake-up call? We want peace. We need it. Virgo earth sign energy is the structure, and the grounding of the practices and methods to cultivate order that leads to peace. Align your actions with how you want your life to be as much as you can, but give yourself a break when you need it. Mean what you say and say what you mean to yourself, as much as you can. I told you this moon was deep. Oh my! If you need help now is the time to get it. Whether it's rehab, a life coach, a psychic, a doctor or accountant, get support so you can bring things together. Follow that vibe. That is your inner-guru leading you to your truth.

Virgo Full Moon to-do list
*Do clearing and releasing work and/or Full Moon ritual.

*Be willing to see things in a totally New Way!
If this doesn't feel doable... try making a movie in your head. Feel that vision so much, so you are salivating for it. Declare, "I want this so much and I am going to have it!"

*Virgo Full Moon magic happens by clearing clutter, organizing and throwing away junk. Get rid of clothes you don't wear anymore. Throw them away or donate them. Say bye!

*Make a list of things you have been wanting to do and do at the very least one of those things, with rut-busting intention behind it

*Get right with your money. Venus the planet of love, art, passion, beauty and money is retrograde till April 15th. You already know what you need to do is. Doing it, is the magic mojo. You'll feel so much better.

*Revamp your health and lifestyle regimens. Get a massage or healing treatment.

*Make a list of all the personal situations you want to move on from. Cut those cords, the energetic ties to people, places and things. Burn that list safely or flush it down the toilet after ripping it into bits. :) Say bye!

And lastly acknowledge yourself for the work you have already done, especially from the last Leo Full Moon Eclipse on through to the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse, until now. Taking in the intensity and message of this Virgo Full Moon Message is work in and of itself. Be proud of yourself always. Love yourself. You deserve all that you want and more!! It is possible. Don't ever stop dreaming and believing in yourself and your magical heart.

Intuitive School is Open! Learn the secrets to unlocking your intuition and how to use it. I'll be teaching "How to Get Your Intuitive Guidance" Part 1 & 2 in Plymouth Mi.
Come and join me for a fun and magically enlightening experience, Wednesday March 15th & 22nd. I'll show you how to access your intuitive guidance, figure out your unique intuitive method and how to use it!

Oracle Cards: Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue, The Wisdom of Avalon ~ Colette Baron-Reid

Magical full moon love & blessings,

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