Higher Love & Passionate Creativity ☽❍☾ Aries New Moon March 27/28th www.tatianascavnicky.com

An Aries New Moon intensifies Spring's renewal spell. There is no denying the power of the season of rebirth. Aries unleashes a blast of pure fire power and creative inspiration to this lunation. Fearless, dynamic and fiery, Aries is the new born child of the zodiac. He is a leader and his Ram kin are often called the "pioneers of the zodiac". Aries is the Emperor in Tarot. He is the self-starting maverick who sees the big picture. Aries folk easily wield the sword of invention, sometimes recklessly and impulsively. We are chomping at the bit to run alongside the Ram, but Venus cautions us to think things through, and flow with inspired creativity, and sweet vision. 

A winged fairy queen announces Spring's arrival with pink roses. They are a sign of gratitude. Her presence is open, carefree and confident. Floating within a white mirror she lets it be known that gratitude is an alchemical force. She represents the reigning Emperor of Tarot here. We often push and push to make things happen. Mix the opposing forces of fiery and free-spirited Aries and loving Venus. She is the goddess of love, beauty, art, money and pleasure. Check out my last post about Venus here. Balance her feminine creative inspiration and passionate desire, with the eager to get-in-the-game masculine energy of Aries. 

Aries invents and is driven to make a mark, paying little attentions to details. Revamp your goals, wishes and desires. Think big! Create your big picture vision and let it come through you by playing and enjoying life. 

Ostara ~ Fertility
Ostara or Eostre is where the word Easter comes from. Once again the cards reveal how amazingly accurate oracle card readings can be. Symbolizing Spring and the coming New Moon, Ostara foretells the future. She sees the future of planted seeds, watered with the expectation of desire, tended to with vision, and taken care of with faith. This card also shows the energy of the Spring Equinox and the undeniable potential of rebirth. What you sow, you will reap. Time to trust with excited expectation. Continue to spring clean your home and/or office. As you throw away old stuff, new resources flow your way. 

In my Venusian Retro-Love blog post I talked about how I woke up a few mornings ago compelled to throw away old and outdated clothes from my closet. Give this process a magical touch by stating, "as I throw this away I am making room for good things to come my way!" Put on some music while you do this to keep the energy high vibe. 

A beautiful angel holds herself sweetly. In my oracle card classes I teach that the words don't always reflect the intended or channeled message of a card. The picture story itself has a message. Thoughts and feelings are key to reading cards. Teresa is Venus here. Teresa comes from the Greek word therízō which means to harvest, more symbolism going deeper and deeper. 

Aries intensity makes us want to start something and start it quickly. However now is not the time to make rash decisions. Venus counsels us to think things through. Choose cultivation and ingenuity, over reckless and impulsive decisions. Play and enjoy your life. Be taken by your creativity. Keep your heart and hand in what you are loving to bring forth. 

Creative potency is in the air. Use this enthusiasm  to fuel your ideas. Redesign your goals with the higher truth of what you really desire for yourself, and your beloveds. Higher truth is rooted in love, and what really matters. Elevate your standards. Elevate your heart. Open wide. See who you want to be and keep your eye...your vision on that alternate reality. If you want to be more healthy, create a vision board filled with images of how that looks to you. Get inspired. Our subconscious responds to pictures and feelings. If more money is what you want, think of all the wealth you have already acquired, and sustained around you. Look at how much you already have and what you have created! Create a board on pinterest to reflect the lifestyle you wish to have. Let that sink in. Pictures help us put ourselves in a new story. Dream big! It's Aries New Moon! 

Higher love and truth raises the bar. Say to yourself, "I like being me. I am excited for my future!" Get your financials in order. Follow through on projects you have already started that have potential. Keep paper and pen close by to write down ideas that come to you. 

It's easy to fall prey to pain and suffering. We feel deeply for our global sisters and brothers. But no amount of suffering will raise them up or bring them love and resources. No amount suffering helps anything. Do something to elevate and channel your empathy. Donate. Pray or be an activist for a cause you care about. Keep your mind, soul and spirit with your Higher Power. I know it sounds wow-woo but you are in woo-woo wonderland if you read this blog. Welcome. I am so glad you are here. Miracles happen. We are all little miracles, seeds from Whom sent us. 

I'll be in Plymouth Mi for the upcoming 
Intuitive School classes. See the line-up here. Can't wait to see you!

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~Victoria Moseley, Goddess Deck & Message From the Angels ~ Doreen Virtue.

May nothing stop you from your heart's desires...
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