Venusian Retro-Love ☽❍☾ Spring Equinox

I got up and started throwing away clothes. I was literally compelled to get rid of items that I absolutely loved at one time. I didn't feel sad. They were past their expiration date for sure. I knew something mystical was going on so...I just went with it. Venus in Retrograde was having her way with me. Here are some tips to maximize this Venus vibe.

Venus is retrograde from March 4th to April 15th. 
Venus is Aphrodite. The image below is from the The Birth of Venus. She rules Beauty, Sensuality, Money & Love Magic. Her symbols are dolphin, dove, swan, rose, and sparrow. She is the Empress in Tarot. She wears a magical girdle around her hips which can charm those she desires to want her. Water-born Venus is the Evening Star and Star of the Sea. The famous poem Starlight Starbright  is said to her.

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight

Venus Retrograde Tips

*Follow hunches to up-level your health/nutrition regimen. Nuance your schedule to support this.

*Reschedule any irreversible beauty treatments but definitely get a luxurious massage or spa treatment.

*Follow feelings to craft a new look but maybe not radical hairstyle changes.

*Flow with as-of-late perspective on your relationships and the time-travel back to key moments of your love-life. May you see how very much you've grown.

*Surround yourself with flowers, especially roses.

*Create a Wishes & Dream board of all the things you want. Seeing is believing. Our subconscious responds to pictures and feelings. Keep it where you can see it or create one on pinterest. 

*Get right with your money. Review your current budget. Wrap up your taxes. Create future vacation funding.

I've added Numerology Reports to my Magic Bag. Soon I will have more kinds of reports ready to serve you. But right now my Day of Birth Numerology Report is Free when you book a One Hour Intuitive Reading. I am amazed at what I see happening with numerology and intuitive readings together!
Start fresh for Spring! This offer ends Saturday March 25th. The earlier you book your session the more quickly you will be scheduled for your reading, and get your report.
Oceans of Venusian LOVE,
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