The Hope of Things to Come: Libra Full Moon ~ Pink Moon April 11th/12th 2017

We look to a future of love, light and hope. The Pink Full Moon was named by northern Native American tribes, representing the herb moss pink, foretelling the awakening of Spring. Impulsive and reckless Aries brings wildcard energy joining forces with cosmic rebel Uranus, shaking things up across the globe. We are growing exponentially. Jupiter aligned with Libra turns everything it touches to gold and sprinkles the sky with streams of joy and good fortune. 

Freyja ~ Bold
Freyja is a Norse goddess of love and war. Named in her honor, she rules Friday. Her presence here embodies the fiery Aries energy alive and at play now. There will be power struggles in relationships. Intense emotions can stir up arguments. Beware of temper tantrums and mood swings. We want to have a good time and revel in the expansive and optimistic Libra energy, but try not go overboard, party too hard or do something rash. 

Freyja reflects the new ideas and creative expansion of this lunar phase. The future is calling. What we are called to do is calling us. We can see our talents and abilities in a new light. We have our own special something to give to the greater good and our special sauce is like no other. Be confident. Own your gifts and talents. On the flip side you might be asking why am I here? Daredevil energy makes us restless to expand even if we don't know where we are going. The direction is the future. Be excited. Expect things to change and they will. Shut the door of the past, on your left and open the one to the right. 

Libra seeks to create balance and harmony in relationships and the Collective. This Full Moon invites us to create sacred sanctuary within so we can extend ourselves to others. If you are watching the news, you very well could be taking on that energy, as if staying up-to-date politically can help in some way. Toxic energy drains us energetically, spiritually and in some cases physically. Have compassion for how you feel and at the same time keep the faith! Lean into joy. We have the power to rise above. Try not to be bitter and cynical. Get out of the left lane when someone is right on your a$$. Wish them well and cruise on the sunny side of life. Avoid arguments with loved ones to keep a happy home.

The elemental fairy in this card is praying. She wants release. Our shadow might make an appearance this lunation as really old wounds are coming up to be healed.This has been a theme as-of-late. We are again talking karmic and past life relationships.  A recent breakup might just be a blessing in disguise. Don't turn a blind eye to red flags in regards to potential love relationships now. Who are you allowing to be in your life? Honor the energy you have and who you want to share it with. 

If you are feeling victimized, it's time to turn the tables. As much as I have hated to hear this in the past, look for your part in an unhealthy dynamic. Do some journaling around how these issues reflect your childhood. See a good therapist to help you connect the dots. 

Oonagh ~ Easy Does It
Personally we have the power to crack the whip and change habits. It takes less than a month to change something. This is a time of learning to let go at a really fast rate. Lightening speed in fact. Reboot your software, but Rome wasn't built in a day. It might feel like you just can't do what you used to. Venus who is also Aphrodite, is still working her beautify life, practice self-love magic and financial make-over mojo. If things aren't happening as fast as you would like, be patient and press play. Life's simple pleasures are treasures. An afternoon in the sun can soothe soul. Lunch with friends can cure a lonely spell. You might feel a bit lonely during this Full Moon so be sure to socialize and spend time with friends.

Oonagh supports the pursuit of happiness and higher missions now. Who and what are you devoted to? What makes your heart sing? I always say, these don't have to be huge things like creating a nonprofit or foundation for children in need. They can be, but maybe you forgot how much you liked to exercise, doctor-approved of course. Or how much you enjoy going to the movies. On a sidenote, will they ever offer non-gmo popcorn? I digress. Don't make sudden moves now when it comes to job and/or career changes. Be open. Look to the horizon for what's coming. Download light. 

Upcoming Class: Moon Magic ~ Working With The Magic Of Moon Cycles. Learn about the moon's monthly cycles and how we are connected.

Discover how the cycles of the moon help us supercharge our desires and empower us in every aspect of life. Details Here

Oracle Cards: Goddess Deck Doreen Virtue, Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

Have a beautiful and magical full moon,
Xo Tatiana

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