Supermoon love beams into our hearts, opening us up to higher realms of love, self-love, family and home, and sensuality and passion. Your intuitive superpowers can be highly activated now! Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon and is the ultimate personification of the Goddess in her loving, sensual, intuitive and nurturing aspects. Depending on where you are on the globe, a summer or winter solstice turned the wheel and we begin again, making this fresh start new moon energy especially potent. 

Let's see what the cards have to say...

Birds fly attentively around a forest goddess. They represent Mercury, the planet of communication, ideas and thoughts and travel and commerce. Birds also represent the air element as does Mercury. Many ideas are available for you now. This card is a sign to sit for ideas. Listen for the ones pulling at you for attention.  The draw of this card is positive confirmation that a few of those ideas will be very successful if they are nurtured. It's also a crazy-good omen for the future and all that you can create and expand on, between now and the full moon. Prepare for business and career expansion if that is what you are wishing for. Bring high level service to your people. And wouldn't you know it, there is a full moon on this card to the left. More validation of the onpoint synchronicity of this card pull. 

Our winged goddess listens to the messages received. She takes them in, considering them deeply. She's listening to the whisperings of her heart and soul. Cancer's element is water, the element of emotion. I find that cancerians often look as if they are crying. Their eyes are gentle and sweet. Honor all your feelings. Because this new moon is a supermoon it can feel a lot like a full moon. You might feel sensitive or sad and emotional, and not know why. Delve into your emotional life. Cultivate feelings of security and safety within by bravely and compassionately looking at where you feel vulnerable and out of control. Where you are broken down is the key to emotional peace and freedom. This is an extreme act of self-love and compassion. Give yourself this gift and be kind and tender. Be sweet on yourself. You are so dear and special. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need guidance don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

Dandelions to her left and red poppies to her right, an exotic goddess freely and fully expresses herself. Dandelion signifies that bringing a gift to a loved one will bring them happiness. Cancer is the astrological sign of family and home, and of our mothers and all forms of the Mother Goddess. The new moon is at 2 degrees Cancer. In numerology, 2 is the number of relationships. Relationships can literally transform at this time. Cancer is a loving and super-nurturing sign. Open your heart to love and experiencing sensuality. Have no fear and receive from loved ones you feel safe and secure with. 

Red poppies symbolize family and remembrance, beauty, success and luxury. Love and resources are flowing at this time, brought on by the merging of Venus and Pluto. Think abundantly about your life. Beautify it. Put flowers around your home and **safely** light candles. Is it time to give or put things away that don't reflect who you are now and what you want to create? I have had the urge to put new things on my altar. Natural things. I have an orchid there. I want to add shells and crystals and large stones. Did you see the huge smoky quartz in my oracle card spread picture? Smoky quartz is grounding and nurturing, and clears away toxic energy. It's great to have by your computer and phone and close to you if you're feeling under the weather. 

Follow your wants and sensual pleasures. Red represents money, our life force and our rootedness to the earth. The more stable and secure you feel, the better. Cultivate that. Also...they say to tend to your garden at this time. Literally and figuratively. Tend to your pleasure as well as your responsibility.  

Opening your heart awakens your intuition. Clairsentients will be super sensitive three days before and after this new moon. If you are ready, and I think you are... considering you are reading this, be ready to ignite your intuition and the voice within. If you are like me sitting by the water brings me to a clear, soft and knowing place within. We merge with water because we are 70% water. That is what the water element of Cancer brings, the quiet, soft, powerful grace of your intuitive knowing. 

New Beginnings
Our last card is an undeniable intuitive confirmation the new moon. New moons are the birthplace of ideas, of what is to come and our intentional influence of the future. A celestial goddess casts her wishes, shown as a newborn baby into the realms of possibility and intention. She casts her wishes and desires forward and lets them go. Put in the time and intention now for what you want and let the rest go. Take actions related to your business and money. Abundance is everywhere. Think abundantly and live well. 

The solstice initiated creativity in action for the next 6 months. It's the perfect time to get a 6 Month Forecast with me. Forecasts come complete with a summary you can refer back to of your 2017 Main Themes, your Monthly Breakdown and a picture of your Card Spread as well as tips and techniques to support you throughout the rest of the year. Check out what people are saying about having a reading with me

This is pivotal new moon. As always I am here for you. Catch me on facebook and join me there, or talk to me here or in the comments below. Let's keep in touch! 
Oceans of love...

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley 

Wishing you a lovely New Moon!

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