Leo Full Moon * Blue Moon * Lunar Eclipse: Crown Yourself Queen January 31st

Hi there moon babe! Your reading for the Leo Full Moon is up. Did you know that Full Moon energy is active for three days before and after? So if you didn't catch it yesterday, no worries. You can still do a beautiful ritual for this Superwoman of a Full Moon. I shared a little ritual at the end of the reading for you. Because we had a Lunar eclipse as well, this moon phase is like portal to the future. You have a say in your future. Eclipses help us shed our skin. The cool thing about that is we can move forward faster. When they are lunar rather than solar, they get deep into our emotions and feelings, and our inner world, so you might feel emotional right now, or irritated and you're not sure why.  

On August 21st of last year, we had the Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse and that was a total game-changer. I don't know about you, but "everything" changed for me in such an amazing way and I wanted it. I was just over it and willing. I had no idea what is going to look like. I had intentions and goals and I really just went for it! So, just being willing is the first step. Then, take it from there. 

I wasn't able to do my usual written reading here. My schedule got so crazy and the truth be told, I had a nasty virus that I feel as if I'm still recovering from. But, I really wanted to give you something for this momentous moon phase to have. Feel free to share it and know that if you are on my mailing list you will be the first to know about all my events, oracle card readings and sweet offers. Soon I'll be moving this blog to another place so get on my list here

See that Video here It's the first one!

May you be showered with full moon blessings,

Cancer Super Full Moon in Capricorn: Brightly Bringing in the New Year! January 1st/2nd 2018

Hi! Happy New Year! I got a new deck of oracle cards from a dear friend for the Holidays and I'm excited to use them for your reading! This full moon in Cancer is sensual, psychic and super-expansive. We are moving out of the airy and full-on fire energy of last year, to one of depth and growth. We are on a quest for the good life! Pursuing personal development and professional advancement, can only bring good things like wealth, and a sense of personal satisfaction and pride. You may not be where you want to be yet, or have that certain job or position or relationship, but if you are hanging out in the field of potential and checking your boxes, you are kicking ass already! If you are in an amazingly good place and happy, that is fabulous!! May you have more of that. Insert magic wand here. Having the courage to see things that might need to be changed is ballsy, and can be a truly powerful coming-to-Jesus moment, as they say. You can do it. And you don't have to do it all by yourself. 

It's an 11 year, as 2+0+1+8 = 11. 11 breaks down to the Number 2. I talked a lot about this in last month's Live Gemini New Moon Oracle Card Reading 11 is a master number in numerology, which means it has fierce vibrational energy. Looking at the number itself, it looks like a gateway and it is. To a new way of life. New everything! 

11 is intuitive, capable, dynamic, instinctual and capable, especially so with a concrete goal in mind. It's also associated with faith, which is one of our cards. There are at least 3 places in this moon's placement that fall at 11°. You have the freedom to choose. Shit will always happen. And you will go through difficult things, but this year brings an opportunity choose how you want to feel about things, like feeling really good! Good about what you've already accomplished so far in this amazing life of yours. When you choose how you want to feel, you have the power. This doesn't mean spiritual bypassing or not dealing with things that come up or avoiding pain or any form of abuse. Give yourself the attention and time you deserve to help yourself feel better.  

You will automatically be drawn like a bee to honey, to your peeps. Your tribe. It could feel more difficult to be around anyone who vibrates at a different place than you do. This mean energetically but also your interests. Birds of a feather fly together. So fly little queenie. Is that a song? You're going to really feel that pull this year, especially if you are moving forward within this dynamic energetic set-up. Your career could call you strongly. Your kindreds will come out of the woodwork. 2 is the number of partnerships of all kinds, love and it's "the" ultimate number of the divine feminine. 

This is a highly intuitive and mystical moon. You may find yourself crying over seemingly small things. You may feel as if your tears are for your ancestors, or parts of you, perking and peeking up to be healed. Heads up because this moon could really bring on feeling alone and lonely, but at the same time, wanting to retreat and be alone. If you are feeling really down or sad, break out your journal and please reach out to someone you trust. In my group reading last night, a dear sweet and courageous woman shed her tears in front of all of us, as things from her past clicked to now, and she found herself crying as her fears came up. We all supported her. Intuitive sessions, even tapping and traditional counseling are tools for times like these. 

Let's see what the cards have to say...

Kindred Spirits
The power of 2 two. This card has been coming up a lot! I pulled it for my last Live Oracle Reading and it's related to this coming year. You will find your tribe, your people....your kindred. I can't tell you how much I love that word! The butterfly above them means transformation and all the pink in this image is about love, happiness and warmth. The 2 vibration is about love and partnering with others of like-mind, including business and in your career, especially if its a heart-centered business. Let's say you are a self-employed travel agent and you love to travel. Ways to bring the most amazing and unforgettable destinations for your people is at the heart of what you do. If you are in business and you're not feeling it anymore. Check out what there is to shift or change. What is there to offer? How can you get that spark back? Or is it time to move on? 

There is so much expansiveness and openness with this lunation, brought to you by this lovely cocktail of planetary energy. If you want it, there is huge potential for wealth, advancement in your career/work, spiritual growth and connection, and personal development. Reach out and believe in yourself. Trust. Keep moving forward. Follow leads and intuitive hits when it comes to possible career moves. Keep in mind that you are also checking out the position at an interview. 

If you think about, pursuing your desires, growing and learning can only be good all the way around. So if you are in a funk, keep swimming in the sea of possibilities. Do everyday things you love. Cooking, baking and eating is very cancerian. Because Cancer rules heart and home, spending time with your beloveds and your kindred will be good and sweet for the soul now. 

If you are self-employed, this is the year for development and expansion. 2 energy will you give you great ideas on partnering with others. We are going to want to give more to those we are in service to. What do they really need? What do they want? How can I make help them through what I do? There will be big insights when it comes to this. Find out what your people need? Ask for reviews, or feedback. Create wealth for others through your special thang that you do. Love wins in business too! 

This full moon is ripe with emotions and the sign of Cancer, is ruled by the moon herself. Are you feeling emotional already? Or melancholy? If you feel sad and can't find a reason for the tears, this is a good thing. You are releasing. Let Lady Moon do her magic on you. Feel like being alone? Take some quiet time for yourself. Cancer connects us to our Soul. If you need to be alone, retreat. You might even feel like sulking, like when you're a kid and you pout. Honor those feelings. As mysterious as moons are, our emotions can be as well. So you might want to be close to your honey and then need to be by yourself. 

It's the perfect moon for snuggling up under blankets with mugs of tea and hot chocolate. If you're single hang out with your family or invite your favorite people over. Your kindred yes? Enjoy a great meal together. Give them delicious appetizers things to eat and drink. Watch your favorite movie.  I LOVE watching "It's A Wonderful Life" this time of year and I can never get enough of...you knew I was going to say, "Practical Magic"! I have my favs, but your gang might love and highly appreciate a showing of "Magic Mike"!

We miss the people that have passed on to the other side this time of year too. Their memory pulls at our heart strings. Our ancestors are always with us in heart and spirit. A beautifully mystic aspect of this moon reading connects us to our ancestors, our bloodline. You may feel very compelled to release addictive behaviors. If they have run in your family, your healing trickles back down through your bloodline and forward. Go after your dreams. Pursue them full-heartedly. You are bringing success and pride to your family, those before you and ahead of you. That is pretty amazing when you think about it.   


A songbird sings with promise and hope of the New Year. A little girl who appears to be very wise here is bright-eyed staring bravely into the future. Faith is her power. She wears a mourning veil. For this reading this is a wink back again to our ancestors. You have a song to sing. Maybe it's part of their legacy in some way? This card could signify taking on a family business or letting one go. This is also about family vendettas and dysfunctional history or herstory as I like to call it. The New Year is a perfect invitation to leave all these dramas behind. Right now you are weaving your own legacy my dear. I had to stop after I wrote that. 

You now have a chance to rewrite, revamp, redirect, re-haul, revise and remake. Think delicious, delightful, happy, philanthropic, educational, healthy, loving, prosperous whatever it is you choose. As far as the New Year goes, I don't do resolutions. I do intentions. I did pick one goal for the year to change my schedule up and create one that better serves me and being even earlier for appointments. I don't want to feel anxious. I want to feel settled in my body, relaxed and in the flow. This could take me a while. Big changes take time. 

Rejuvenating Rain ~ Clear the Past + Heal the Present

This is an extra card for you my dear. Holy crap how relevant and perfect is this? Full moons are for releasing. It looks as if this lovely goddess is intentionally releasing into the water. Cancer is a water sign, oh yes! The cards are divinely right-on every time. For me it seems she's pulling energy from that water as well. Water is emotion. We don't have to be swept away and under our emotions. The circles in the water are intention. The look like little galaxies. Like the number 2, she is a sign of Divine Feminine Power and Divine Love. Feminine energy holds, collects and heals. She co-creates, listens, receives and gives. This is a year of love. She's draped in gold, yellow and orange. Gold for wealth and prosperity. Yellow for following your gut and stepping into your power. And orange for creativity, sensuality, joy and enthusiasm. Wow! 

I am so happy to be on this journey with you. I so look forward to each of these readings. I love the Facebook Live readings and meeting with you personally in as we figure out and look and see what is ahead for you, and what to do now. You are pretty amazing as far as I am concerned and I totally Believe in You!!

Coming to Plymouth, MI 2018 Mini-Readings! Book your spot Here 

*Oracle Cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley & Sacred Traveler ~ Denise Linn

Happy New Year to you and yours. May you be magically blessed, prosperous and loved this year.

ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
Sharing guidelines: Please feel free to share. Please link back to this original post, and include the link.

Gemini SuperMoon: 11 Activation ☽❍☾ Time to Fly Free ~ Sunday Dec. 3rd/4th 2017

Early this morning, the energy of the upcoming Supermoon in quicksilver sign of Gemini took hold of me. Originally, I was only going to share a few links with you for the full moon. I travelled this past week for the Holiday and had a whirlwind November. I arrived home with a superbug, I am sure was made in a lab somewhere, containing a tiny molecule of chemical warfare experimentation. But, my GemRising did indeed rise, making me want to share a little something about this lunation with you. This full moon has "11" stamped all over it. If you have been seeing the number 11 lately, it's likely it's a sign for your future, and I'm going to get into that. I am a total believer in the power of numbers and I offer Day of Birth Numerology Reports by request. 

Here is the 11 number magic for this supermoon, which is the closest to the Earth since 1948. The Full Moon will be at 11° in Gemini, opposite the Sun in Sagittarius at 11°. Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, optimism and inspired ideals will be at 11°. Neptune ruler of dreams, illusions and deep thought is also at 11°. The final player in this mix is Mercury going retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius. Numbers reduce in numerology, breaking down 29 like this. 2+9 = 11°. 

Why is the number 11 so important? In numerology, 11 is a gateway number, a portal. Our last really significant portal was August's Leo Total New Moon Solar Eclipse  Are you aware of how much you have changed since then? I feel like I am a completely different person. If it feels like ever since then that things have been really hard for you, it could be that you just haven't been ready to make changes, or you can't see the way yet, and that is ok. Walk through this full moon gateway now and trust that you can leave the past behind you.  

Gemini rules thoughts, ideas and communication. The number 11 as a sign, means to watch your thoughts for you are a powerful creator! All these 11's are giving us another phenomenal opportunity to choose!  You can make change in the face of how life seems to be right now, because you want to. 

Change is inevitable. Big change is on the horizon. A new year in fact. The barn owl represents a journey into the unknown. Goddess Athena, the greek goddess of war and strategy comes through with this card letting you know, you will know what to do. Athena is also a gemini goddess. Think things through. Take thought out steps. Gemini rules communication. Careful to say something you regret. Words can be cutting and cruel. Misunderstandings and strained strained communication may happen. 

Be ready for huge realizations and aha moments in the areas of love relationships, partnerships and friends, as well as clear and enlightening insight into who we are in relationships. You might get positive flashes of insight, like how your past has made you proud of who you are, and how much you love your parents. You may experience beautiful insight into how they undoubtedly influenced you. Or, difficult issues like divorce and abuse reveal their traces to who you are now even more deeply. See them with love and compassion towards yourself. 

Some will be releasing relationships or feel it's time to begin that process. The New Year can make us feel pressure to make changes. The message of this full moon is to go with the flow and let go. This is the last full moon of this year. Release the weight of this year. Wait, let me say that again. Release the weight of this year. Time to fly free. Bye!

Writing, or anything to do with communication is on highlight now in Gemini's domain. Full moons are for release. Rather than creating any kind of resolutions right now, or at all, I highly recommend getting in touch with what you want to let go of. If you need to forgive someone, do it asap. Do it for you and you only. I wish I could've seen how I feel now, about issues from the past that I needed to let go of. They don't even matter now. They actually carry a golden nugget of truth and treasure for me. The hardest things you go through make their mark on you for sure. But they can also bring you alive and bring you back to life. They reveal your character and bring out fierce strengths you have always carried within you. Allow yourself time to reflect on who you are now because of what you have been through. It's pretty amazing my dear and you earned it!

I've heard people say that they'll never trust anyone ever again, because a lover or friend betrayed them. How incredibly sad and tragic. Or, they'll carry the pain and deep resentment of a family member who has passed on as some kind of honor, or responsibility. Don't give your heart over to resentment and resignations clutches. It will poison and steel your heart's very life blood. Because it's so hard to let go, some people will not allow themselves to treasure and enjoy the gift of life when someone they love has passed on. They feel they are somehow dishonoring them. Our loved ones move on and they are free. You can honor your loved one's life by living for everyone who is still here, and for the life you still have to live. 

Anticipate a bright future. Previously stalled projects get back up and running. Ideas are afoot. Listen to music and get into the spirit of the season. Here is a full moon ritualBreak out your journal. Light a candle or two **safely**. Take a few deep breaths and write. What are you releasing? Who are you releasing? What is true for you at this time? What do you need to say about how your future? What do you need to let go of to make way for the future? Express your heart. Come clean and let go. 

The future's so bright       
you gotta wear shades.

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

May this full moon shine down on you with love and magic...
 ps. Come join my mailing list at my site to get special offers for Intuitive Readings, meditations and music I give to my peeps only. Thank you for subscribing, supporting, loving, commenting and sharing this work! I so appreciate and love your comments.
**Sharing guidelines: Please feel free to share. Please link back to this original post, and include the link. When quoting include the link back to the original post. Share, shine & inspire. ❤

Taurus Full Moon in Scorpio: Venusian Love ☽❍☾ Nov. 4th 2017

An earthy Taurus Full Moon brings an abundance of love, wellness, creativity and prosperity. Taurus loves the finer things but sometimes has to be pushed to move forward. Small steps taken towards what you deeply value, and want overtime create change. Mother Moon in Scorpio pours out sensitive, romantic and sweetly spiritual vibes. Yet another lucky star, and Venus, the planet of love, beauty, sensuality and money, continue to shower us with fortunate blessings. Jupiter's touch of gold began at the last Libra New Moon . 

The potential is rich for elevating creative endeavors and your love relationship to a whole 'nother level, and the one you have with yourself and for living well. It's about time you treated yourself to some indulgent love and attention and this Full Moon will make you want to, but don't over do it! Let's go to the cards!   

Here is our lovely maiden again who appeared in the Libra New Moon Oracle Card Reading. She confirms the fortunate blessings still pouring down from the stars and now Venus, the planet of love and money, is in the mix. Part of Taurus energy is what you truly value. Time to re-evaluate. Get back to what is really important to you. Taurus connects to the throat chakra, the place of self-expression and declaring our own truth. The values you live by now may be completely different. You get to say how you will live and to who, what and where you will spend your time. 

Declare and profess your love for who you love and adore. Let your beloveds know how much they mean to you. Share a lovely and lush meal with them, or plan a trip to the ocean, or a place where you can be close to each other and nature. 

The Bull is grounded and known to be stubborn. They take their time making decisions, maybe too much time. Take small steps, teeny tiny ones if that feels better. Let the big U know you are serious and you mean business. You might want to ask yourself what are two things I have been putting off? Do them as soon as you can. Motivation comes after you start. 

Halloween or Samhain just passed. We honored our ancestors, and witches and priestesses honored their female lineage. The potential to feel our undeniable connection to the seasons is ever-present, but more so this time of year. The seasons press on, in spite of us. "To everything, turn, turn turn. There is a season." Will we connect to what we are undeniably so much a part of? Autumn marks the harvest for what was good this year. Winter is the turning in, the ultimate beginning. Full Moon's are for releasing. What made the chopping block? And what gets to stay and grow beautiful, big and strong?

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, is Venus and she rules Taurus. Can I hold myself back from saying that the cards are right on again? No! The Taurus vibe is all about connecting to spirituality and sensuality through nature. We feel ourselves in nature. After all earth is our body. Water is our blood. Air is our breath. Fire is our Spirit. Even when we just sit by the water, we merge with it. We are 70% water. Walking through a green, mossy forest roots us to the ground, and we merge with the roots of all the plants and the trees. We share the same space. Think on that one a bit, of all that is underground that we merge with. 

The Earth is a beautiful place, a garden of love and constant regeneration. She is alive, Mother Nature that is. Ocean-born water goddess Aphrodite symbolizes Divine Feminine magic. This earthy Full Moon intensifies sensuality, pleasure and and the finer things. Taurus loves lush fabrics, flowers, trinkets and tomes. Love the sumptuous things of life now. Splurge on deep meditations and indulge on long massages. Spend quality time with your soulmate, or get together with your soul sistahs and have a full moon dinner or beach bonfire. Purchase something you've had your eye on for awhile like that new bag, big chunk of crystal or vacation. 

Taurus rules money and security, so it's the perfect time to get a new wallet. Pay off debts or make arrangements to. Go over your finances and take stock of what you have coming in and going out. Your authenticity and well-being are your greatest money magnets. 

Venus electrifies the spiritual and sensual in intimate relationships. You might feel the urge to bring a fresh new vibe of excitement and passion energy to your love life. There will also be a strong urge to overindulge by overeating, too much drinking or overspending. Have fun. Try not to over do it, so you aren't paying for it in a few days. Eat high quality chocolate if you are not allergic. Spoil yourself with good company and food. Create an altar of pretty stones and crystals. Add shells for Aphrodite and roses. 

The Dove here is another sign for Aphrodite. It might be time to let go of a relationship that has taken a turn for the worst. Or let go of what may have happened and give it some time and space. Feminine energy allows. See how you feel, and where you stand. Aspects of this Full Moon carry a wildcard energy and possible break-ups and breakdowns in relationships. This makes me think of the saying, "If you love something set it free. If it comes back it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be." 

I created a special altar for this Full Moon and I want to share it with you. My song "Air Water Fire Earth" is what you hear playing. It seemed perfect. 

I added Aphrodite and the Empress to this Full Moon altar. The empress embodies the qualities of Taurus. I hope you feel delight under the coming Full Moon. Let yourself be taken away by the natural beauty and rhythm of the Earth. Release your cares, fears and worries to Mother Moon. 

*Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley, Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue & The Starchild Tarot ~ Danielle Noel 

May you be loved and magically blessed,
ps.2018 6 Month Forecasts will soon be available! Stay tuned for exciting news, I can hardly wait to share, so come join my mailing list for special intuitive offers on intuitive readings & packages, music and meditations, I only offer to my peeps. Please feel free to share: Send it to someone who needs it. Please link back to the original post. Thank you for subscribing, loving, supporting, commenting, loving and sharing this work.

Lay Down Your Roots & Count Your Lucky Stars ~ Libra New Moon Oct. 19th 2017 www.tatianascavnicky.com

Jupiter the planet of fortunate blessings beams optimism, wealth, opportunity and big-picture vision for a bright future during this Libra New Moon. As I write, a Red-Tailed Hawk calls from my backyard. Hawks as totems, are related to the new moon (I love the synchronicity!) and to fall. It's a supreme messenger bird giving you visionary information for your life purpose. It comes to say, "Your prayers are being answered. Recognize, own and share your gifts." 

Red-Tail Hawk represents the first chakra, or root chakra. When you are right at the roots, everything lines up. The red root chakra is the bioenergy center of your feet, legs, lower abdomen and back. It rules tribal energy and the beliefs we were raised with, as well as money and abundance, and feeling safe and secure. Expect healing from the ground up! We went into hyper-drive mode August 21st at the Leo New Moon - Total Solar Eclipse and continues. We are still in the midst of that cosmic portal of change.

And this Libra New Moon comes with two very fortunate lucky stars! Can you feel it? Let's see what the cards have to say... 

Two regal swans protect a lovely white goddess. Yet again, the cards accurately represent the moon phase. A new moon rises above her left shoulder, our feminine side, from where we receive, feel and intuit energy from. I shuffle the deck I use for readings, at least seven times, until they tell me to stop. When I am giving a reading, I am often asked, "Who are they?" They are who I call on at the beginning of every reading. My prayer is, "Dear God/dess, archangels, ancestors, ascended masters and all manner of light beings, I ask that you continue to make me a perfect channel. Whatever messages, guidance or healing that (the person I am reading) needs to get, that they receive it. So you, my dear are receiving this reading, and all the prayers and divining that came along with it.

Swans represent Winter, and the awakening of our true, authentic beauty and power. Because it is one of the most ancient animal totems, it is a calling for us to rise up and step into our true power. True power is graceful, open, generous, able and strong. These graceful and regal birds represent the child, dreamer and mystic, and are connected to the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Whispers of previous lifetimes and pivotal past lives may already be calling you to reclaim your spiritual inheritance and gifts. Were you a medicine man or woman, shaman/shamaness, healer, priest/priestess or witch? If the word "witch" scares you, it may be that you were punished and maybe even killed for being a wise women. Witches worked with folk magic, or earth magic. They knew the healing properties of herbs and roots, and energetic healing techniques. Their original image and purpose was distorted much later by the patriarchy to be dark and maleficent, and you know the other word. In fact men were allowed in many cases to continue to practice as sorcerers, and work as high ranking people in high courts, as scribes and advisors.

The point is you are leveling up, coming into alignment and being called to do what you came here to do. The mystic is being called to the mountain, retreat and meditation pillow. The healer is called to get a medical degree or pursue a certification. The astronomer to divine and name the stars, and the matchmaker to match. Third eyes are waking up everywhere, making you intensely more sensitive to the energy of people, places and things. If you are having issues with that, it might be time to have a session together. There are definite ways you can protect your vibration. Knowing the full story behind it all, and why now...will come through in an intuitive reading, giving you strength, relevant information and techniques to manage and grow.

A beautiful maiden's veil appears to represent Libra, the keeper of the scales of balance and justice. Pure intentions bring harmony and balance within. Purity of mind, body and spirit creates union. What is the core of your spiritual practice? Meditation? Journaling? Time with friends at the end of a long week? What is at the core of your self-care? Lean into that because there will be unexpected surprises during this lunation. Huge changes that began back in August at the Total Solar Eclipse continue. This is the end of a Number one year. 2+0+1+7=1 What is more true than ever for you? Your truth sets you free! Bite into that apple and taste the juice, everyday. Who wants the best for you? What is at the center of your happiness? What desires and wishes will you keep and nurture, and what are you not taking with you in 2018?

Her gaze is focused and intense. Flowers on either side of her veil are Libra's scales. Are you making good choices? For me, life has felt chaotic but rich with goodness, creativity and inspiration. I have SO been called! My dear if everyday is like groundhog day, it's time. Are you longing for something to sink your teeth and your soul into? If you know what it is, go for it. When fear comes in the guise of overwhelm, just take it step by step. When things are going wrong, they just might be going right. We are not in charge and don't have control of everything. That's a hard pill to swallow for a virgo-sun, gemini-rising. Something much greater and oh so magnificent has our back. There really are no words to even describe it. Purify your focus and take the opportunity of this new moon, to get to the heart of what is true for you at this time and what you really want to create and call in now. New moons are for creating my dear.

Watch out for doing too much that you run yourself ragged. It is very important to shield and protect your energy at this time, especially if you are just beginning to claim the powerful intuitive gifts you were born with. You came here with something to do and share, and we are counting on it. Limit your time in negative places and with negative people. Even though Halloween is just around the corner, lock your energy up tight from energy vampires. Pains in your shoulders and neck are often energetic cords of attachment from mothers, sisters and female friends, especially on the left side. Issues swept under the rug in relationship that we may have been keeping the peace for, may come out and erupt. This is all types of partnerships, personal and business.

Great healing aspects come with this new moon's rise. As I said earlier, refine your self-care routine or stick tight with what is working for you. You have changed a lot! We are still downloading so much as spiritual beings. When you pray you are downloading direct messages. Some of these are too big to comprehend, because if you knew what Spirit had in store for you, you might totally freak out! Or not believe it, preventing this miracle to happen for you and your life, because you couldn't believe it could happen. Stay balanced and true to yourself.

I have some upcoming events to share! I'll be pulling 3 cards Live on Facebook Friday, and throwing down an oracle card reading HERE. You don't want to miss it.
And the Goddess Gallery Intuitive Readings event happens in Plymouth, MI Friday Nov. 3rd. I'll be giving everyone a personal one-on-one mini reading, and you get so much more from hearing everyone else's reading. There is limited seating of 13 for this event. Book your spot here and for more info check out this link.

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

It's lovely to wish you another New Moon full of hopes, desires, wishes and magic! Stay wild moon child...

ps. 2018 6 Month Forecasts will soon be available! Stay tuned for exciting news, I can hardly wait to share, so come join my mailing list for special intuitive offers on intuitive readings & packages, music and meditations, I only offer to my peeps.

Please feel free to share: Send it to someone who needs it. Please link back to the original post.

Thank you for subscribing, loving, supporting, commenting, loving and sharing this work.