Lay Down Your Roots & Count Your Lucky Stars ~ Libra New Moon Oct. 19th 2017

Jupiter the planet of fortunate blessings beams optimism, wealth, opportunity and big-picture vision for a bright future during this Libra New Moon. As I write, a Red-Tailed Hawk calls from my backyard. Hawks as totems, are related to the new moon (I love the synchronicity!) and to fall. It's a supreme messenger bird giving you visionary information for your life purpose. It comes to say, "Your prayers are being answered. Recognize, own and share your gifts." 

Red-Tail Hawk represents the first chakra, or root chakra. When you are right at the roots, everything lines up. The red root chakra is the bioenergy center of your feet, legs, lower abdomen and back. It rules tribal energy and the beliefs we were raised with, as well as money and abundance, and feeling safe and secure. Expect healing from the ground up! We went into hyper-drive mode August 21st at the Leo New Moon - Total Solar Eclipse and continues. We are still in the midst of that cosmic portal of change.

And this Libra New Moon comes with two very fortunate lucky stars! Can you feel it? Let's see what the cards have to say... 

Two regal swans protect a lovely white goddess. Yet again, the cards accurately represent the moon phase. A new moon rises above her left shoulder, our feminine side, from where we receive, feel and intuit energy from. I shuffle the deck I use for readings, at least seven times, until they tell me to stop. When I am giving a reading, I am often asked, "Who are they?" They are who I call on at the beginning of every reading. My prayer is, "Dear God/dess, archangels, ancestors, ascended masters and all manner of light beings, I ask that you continue to make me a perfect channel. Whatever messages, guidance or healing that (the person I am reading) needs to get, that they receive it. So you, my dear are receiving this reading, and all the prayers and divining that came along with it.

Swans represent Winter, and the awakening of our true, authentic beauty and power. Because it is one of the most ancient animal totems, it is a calling for us to rise up and step into our true power. True power is graceful, open, generous, able and strong. These graceful and regal birds represent the child, dreamer and mystic, and are connected to the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Whispers of previous lifetimes and pivotal past lives may already be calling you to reclaim your spiritual inheritance and gifts. Were you a medicine man or woman, shaman/shamaness, healer, priest/priestess or witch? If the word "witch" scares you, it may be that you were punished and maybe even killed for being a wise women. Witches worked with folk magic, or earth magic. They knew the healing properties of herbs and roots, and energetic healing techniques. Their original image and purpose was distorted much later by the patriarchy to be dark and maleficent, and you know the other word. In fact men were allowed in many cases to continue to practice as sorcerers, and work as high ranking people in high courts, as scribes and advisors.

The point is you are leveling up, coming into alignment and being called to do what you came here to do. The mystic is being called to the mountain, retreat and meditation pillow. The healer is called to get a medical degree or pursue a certification. The astronomer to divine and name the stars, and the matchmaker to match. Third eyes are waking up everywhere, making you intensely more sensitive to the energy of people, places and things. If you are having issues with that, it might be time to have a session together. There are definite ways you can protect your vibration. Knowing the full story behind it all, and why now...will come through in an intuitive reading, giving you strength, relevant information and techniques to manage and grow.

A beautiful maiden's veil appears to represent Libra, the keeper of the scales of balance and justice. Pure intentions bring harmony and balance within. Purity of mind, body and spirit creates union. What is the core of your spiritual practice? Meditation? Journaling? Time with friends at the end of a long week? What is at the core of your self-care? Lean into that because there will be unexpected surprises during this lunation. Huge changes that began back in August at the Total Solar Eclipse continue. This is the end of a Number one year. 2+0+1+7=1 What is more true than ever for you? Your truth sets you free! Bite into that apple and taste the juice, everyday. Who wants the best for you? What is at the center of your happiness? What desires and wishes will you keep and nurture, and what are you not taking with you in 2018?

Her gaze is focused and intense. Flowers on either side of her veil are Libra's scales. Are you making good choices? For me, life has felt chaotic but rich with goodness, creativity and inspiration. I have SO been called! My dear if everyday is like groundhog day, it's time. Are you longing for something to sink your teeth and your soul into? If you know what it is, go for it. When fear comes in the guise of overwhelm, just take it step by step. When things are going wrong, they just might be going right. We are not in charge and don't have control of everything. That's a hard pill to swallow for a virgo-sun, gemini-rising. Something much greater and oh so magnificent has our back. There really are no words to even describe it. Purify your focus and take the opportunity of this new moon, to get to the heart of what is true for you at this time and what you really want to create and call in now. New moons are for creating my dear.

Watch out for doing too much that you run yourself ragged. It is very important to shield and protect your energy at this time, especially if you are just beginning to claim the powerful intuitive gifts you were born with. You came here with something to do and share, and we are counting on it. Limit your time in negative places and with negative people. Even though Halloween is just around the corner, lock your energy up tight from energy vampires. Pains in your shoulders and neck are often energetic cords of attachment from mothers, sisters and female friends, especially on the left side. Issues swept under the rug in relationship that we may have been keeping the peace for, may come out and erupt. This is all types of partnerships, personal and business.

Great healing aspects come with this new moon's rise. As I said earlier, refine your self-care routine or stick tight with what is working for you. You have changed a lot! We are still downloading so much as spiritual beings. When you pray you are downloading direct messages. Some of these are too big to comprehend, because if you knew what Spirit had in store for you, you might totally freak out! Or not believe it, preventing this miracle to happen for you and your life, because you couldn't believe it could happen. Stay balanced and true to yourself.

I have some upcoming events to share! I'll be pulling 3 cards Live on Facebook Friday, and throwing down an oracle card reading HERE. You don't want to miss it.
And the Goddess Gallery Intuitive Readings event happens in Plymouth, MI Friday Nov. 3rd. I'll be giving everyone a personal one-on-one mini reading, and you get so much more from hearing everyone else's reading. There is limited seating of 13 for this event. Book your spot here and for more info check out this link.

Oracle cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley

It's lovely to wish you another New Moon full of hopes, desires, wishes and magic! Stay wild moon child...

ps. 2018 6 Month Forecasts will soon be available! Stay tuned for exciting news, I can hardly wait to share, so come join my mailing list for special intuitive offers on intuitive readings & packages, music and meditations, I only offer to my peeps.

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