Meditation: A Game Changer

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Meditation is a game-changer You don't have to do yoga to meditate and you don't have to hold your fingers perfectly, and have a meditation pillow. It's as easy as laying back, relaxing and allowing yourself to be guided. If you feel like using a pillow that's awesome if it works for you. 

To get the best benefits from meditation do it daily, and preferably at the same time everyday. But if you miss your meditation time, just find time later in the day. Don't get hung up on a rigid practice or beat yourself up for missing. It can be refreshing to change up the time you practice, and the type of meditation you do. 

Using guided meditations like the ones I've created are great if you have trouble clearing your mind. If you already have a meditation practice, doing something totally different can take you a deeper and "in the now" place. I compare it to mixing up your exercise routine. Changing up your work-out impacts your routine and boosts results. Changing up your meditation is just like that. 

There are many ways to meditate. Praying, journaling, sitting and doing a nothing are a few. Watching the sunset, pondering a word or phrase, or saying a mantra over and over again are some other methods. Using guided meditations like the ones I've created add power to your practice as you experience restful and peaceful levels of relaxation. Using imagery which accesses the subconscious healing super-mind, with music takes you to deep levels where the magic happens. 

Studies on meditation show reduced levels of stress, blood pressure and worry. Reduced pain and the evidence of "disease fighting genes are more active in meditators. Harvard researchers found that after two months of regular meditation, genes that kill diseased cells, fight inflammation and cancer were activated. 

It also increases your intuition and is an extremely self-loving act. When you are in "observer mode" a natural by-product of meditation, you are training your brain to be able to think before you react as well as connect to the healer we all have within. Your outlook on life will shift and your nervous system will calm down the more you meditate. And it gets rid of the "11's" the lines between your eyebrows! 

I was guided to create each of these meditations and Mark Watson's meditation music is the perfect back-drop for these sessions. Goddess, manifestation, healing, clearing and releasing and rejuvenating manifestations are available via immediate download below. Having a meditation practice changed my life. I recommend using my meditations daily and change them up. Coming back to a beloved meditation is like hearing your favorite jam on the radio. It will feel so good! 

I just created a brand new meditation inspired by my biggest teacher, my Mother. I've been sitting and praying on this one for a while. I wanted it to be special and touch those of us who've had mother issues. I am so glad to finally share it with you!

It is my hope my meditations bring you deep peace, relief, joy, relaxation and all that you are wanting. If you love them share in the comments below. Invite those in your life that could benefit to visit here and choose one that suits them..

With Peace & Game-changer Love,


(Please do not drive or operate heavy machinery when meditating. Meditations are not a substitute for medical care)

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