❍ ❍ ❍ SCORPIO ~ FULL MOON ~ May 3rd 2015 ❍ ❍ ❍ www.tatianascavnicky.com

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world." -Marianne Williamson

Emotions are surfacing. Old dirty not-so-pretty behaviors are coming out to play says Scorpio. Things you thought you'd never say again come right out of your mouth. And part of you doesn't care cause you are sick and tired of playing nice. This Full Moon is all about Restoration + Regeneration = Power. It hits in grounded, earthy and sensuous Taurus causing us to look at what our key values are. The truth of what we really need and want deep down. What makes us secure? What gives us comfort. Time to get out of our own way. 

Our lovely diva rides a butterfly. Butterflies mean transformation and metamorphosis in so many cultures. You've been riding the flow of your dreams and ideas. You are more aware of what you bring to the table, and what you are willing to offer. You've gotten rid of so much stuff, literally and figuratively. You cleaned some of your closets if not all of them. You've taken classes and read books. You are expanding. 

Scorpio ruled by Pluto, the planet of upheaval and renewal brings out and up crap we thought we were done with and that we are not proud of, so it can be burned away. The butterfly she carries is all her stuff she brings to the fire to be burned, cleaned, purified and transformed. She's over it! 

In this image, the mirror is the full moon and the magic of night time. She's partly clothed showing vulnerability and courage to look deep at one's self. You react less. Your inner-game and what really makes you happy, satisfied and fulfilled quickly makes it way to the top of your list. This also signifies the traits you do not like in others reflected back at you. 

There is magic, mystery and meaning to moon phases. Scorpio deepens this cycle. It's time to make a list of what you will release and allow Sister-Mother Moon to do her magic. Sitting under the moon exalting at the wonder of it is a primal and innate practice set deep in our collective consciousness. It is not dark magic to love the moon. It's already in you. 

Oh how beautiful what comes from what you release and give way. Oh how free it feels to yield. Each of these butterflies symbolizing transformation represent what you will release this full moon. 

This reading speaks deeply to our subconscious through symbolism. Pictures bring a whole set of thoughts and corresponding images. It's time to change the symbols of our pasts or get new ones. Ask your Higher Power and Mother Goddess Moon to help you do this. You cannot humanly go anywhere as deep. This is an inside spiritual feat. What deep-seated fears are you so over carrying? Perhaps your fear is you'll never be good enough. Or you secretly harbor bag-lady fears. Or that your work doesn't matter or you are invisible. Be ready. Be willing. Ask your Higher Power for help. List your fears....your butterflies. Ask for the resources...books, people, opportunities to come to you thru Spirit. They surely will.

Our subconscious speaks to us through our dreams. Divining this reading for you felt very  dream-like. I feel as if I've been swimming below the surface of a lake at night under the moon trying to put the pieces together. What is below the surface will make it's way up. 

It's time to rebuild our lives touching on the issues that are of value to us. You can revamp and makeover your life no matter what it seems to be like right now. Time is relative. It's all happening now. Past, present & future. Dont' let symbols put boxes around what is possible. Create new ones. Draw new ones. Use oracle cards. Let the images speak to you, layer by layer, deeper and deeper. Go to an art museum. The morning sun and sky is never the same. Feel and experience the renewal available every day.

Many of you will be taking on yoga and physical forms of meditation like walking and tai-chi. The flow calls. Movement creates movement. Some of you are making moves with finances and investments. Now is a good time. You are renovating. When you renovate - get rid of stuff, stop smoking, get financially clear, wash your walls you are moving energy and causing transformation. What you transform makes an impact on your inner circle and for those you don't know. Watch out babycakes! 

I recommend identifying your core values and/or words that express how you want to feel for this moon. This is a general reading. If you wish to have detailed and in-depth reading, schedule a session with me here or contact me about a session. The issues at the forefront of your life will automatically present themselves in an intuitive session. What you need to know and take action on will be clear. Expect to be scheduled for a session within 1-3 weeks upon booking. Ready to elevate and get freed up? Are you just over it and ready for a make-over now? Book your session here and include your desired time and date, and time zone.

Questions or comments about this week's reading? Let's chat it up below. Did you like this reading, or find it helpful? Kindly share your thoughts below.

*Oracle: Vintage Wisdom Deck ~Virginia Moseley

Your Virgo Goddess,

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