Weekly Mantra ~ I Am The Best I've Ever Been www.tatianascavnicky.com

I've been fascinated by how the power of our thoughts can change our cells, our biology. Inspiration from mentors and actual facts, help us internalize and to see that it is totally possible! My latest muses have been Ernestine Shepard the worlds oldest bodybuilder, and Christiane Northrup. I am in awe of Ernestine's spirit, her body and the way her skin glows. Check this Goddess out on this Prevention Magazine.

In  Dr. Nothrup's new book Ageless Goddess, she writes about Dr. Ellen Langer's study of two groups of men. One group was taken back in time to the year 1959, the year of their youth for five days. From black and white TV's and music, to memorabilia. The other group did not imagine and place themselves back in that time, but simply reminisced about it. 

Here is a quote from that New York Times article about the results. This is a must-read!

"They were suppler, showed greater manual dexterity and sat taller — just as Langer had guessed. Perhaps most improbable, their sight improved. Independent judges said they looked younger. The experimental subjects, Langer told me, had “put their mind in an earlier time,” and their bodies went along for the ride."

The point here is when you are feeling a bit achy, or forgetful its almost automatic to say or think I'm getting older. One of my clients said to me her mother had arthritis so that is why her shoulder hurt. She will have arthritis too. We got to work right away to clear that belief! We now know that aging is determined by our cells not genetics. The book, " The Biology of Belief" busted that theory out of the water. Watch Bruce Lipton's interview for more proof and youthful inspiration to quench your cells and enliven your mind.

The most important thing that sticks out for me with Ernestine and Catherine's work is the value of spirituality. Ernestine sings a beautiful inspirational song every morning on her walk. Christiane's 14 day Ageless Goddess program starts daily with an affirmation and prayer to the Divine Beloved. Our Spirit is ageless. It is the light that beams within us.

Our Connection to our Higher Power and our thoughts are what transform us inside and out! So let's continue together to tap in, power up and enjoy! It starts now...

Have a beautiful week!

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