A fiery and passionate Aries Full Moon~Super Moon will burn bright across the sky. You might see the ethereal flames. Little King, the Royal Star of the Lion and Uranus the planet of genius and individuality activate the need for freedom and dynamic change! We simply cannot ignore it. What worked for you in 2016 and what didn't? This month's shifts are a preview and foretelling of 2017. It's exciting! Use this revolutionary fire but be careful as Aries can make us move too fast and impulsively. Here is what the cards have to say...
The moon is aligned with Uranus the planet of inner-genius, rebellion and freedom. Our individuality can feel as if it's at stake here, like it's do-or-die time, or as if all bets are off if some kind of change isn't made now. This is just the revolutionary vibe of this full moon. Use it to your advantage. Bottle it. Watch it boil. Let it ferment. Think on it. Tweak your game plan altogether and revamp.
My goddesses. The warrior Goddess aspect is at play here not the supreme nurturer. You may feel unappreciated and angry. It's definitely time to pursue your passions and self-care. Find a way to be with strong emotions at this time. They have valuable information for you. During this moon phase you may just go on strike. WE simply cannot be all things to all people or even ourselves. We also have personal limits and boundaries to honor.
Full moons are for releasing and letting go. This moon will rouse up your rebel feelings in the form of impulsiveness and being reckless. Relationship issues and arguments around this time as well as feelings of jealousy may come up. Be watchful of your need to be right. The potential for sensuality is activated as well adding extra multi-layered intensity. Mars ruled sun signs and rising signs Scorpio and Aries people will be especially activated and Mars in Scorpio peeps, like yours truly.
Fighting and being antagonistic will not make you free. Your freedom lies in your vision and finding your own voice. Transmute this fire into your passions and get going. Aries embodies the energy of the visionary, the maverick and independent thinker. Aries says, " I AM" and is literally the embodiment of "I AM" as the very first sign of the zodiac. It's a potent time to create "I AM" declarations. Who must we ultimately Be to Have what we desire and wish for? Bringing us perfectly to our next card.
☽ Awakening
Picture this. A room completely in shambles as if there has been a robbery. It's your room. In a tantrum of anger and rage you literally destroyed it and everything must be put back together. But it all looks old and dirty and as if all the stuff is someone else's. It's actually easy to throw away all this sh#t. So you dive in and put it all into the trash and it feels satisfying and right.
The good new is you don't have to do this to yourself or your room. More good news hypothetically after it's all cleaned up, organized and the muck in the bottom is gone, a new and beautiful room capable of energetically holding your new ideas (papers and projects) and your new happy state of mind (cause it's so beautiful) and energy (young and fresh) surrounds the new you. Sometimes things have to fall apart (and we just might do that all on our own this weekend), to be able to be container for the new.
This imaginary tantrum scenario is the way it might possibly feel at this time for many. They are just sick and tired of things not happening like they want. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." Or it feels like being really stuck and very emotional about it. The emotions have energy. Thoughts like every time I tried, it failed or it didn't work out. Or every person I've ever been involved with has not been supportive of me and I couldn't trust them. I'll never have the kind of partnership or life I want. These thoughts create beliefs. Beliefs can be shifted. A rebel-rising up of consciousness is in order. A quantum leap.
Rebellion is not going with the grain and deciding to freely think and create for yourself. Decide what kind of energy do I want to be pulsing through my mind, heart, energy and brains? It might be time to ask for help. I repeat. For sure it's time to create boundaries.
☽ Find The Current Blessing In Your Current Situation
The blue light surrounding Krishna is the aura of infinity, what is immeasurable. He represents bringing down the infinite to this world and makes it finite, another way of saying "as above so below" or "on earth as it is in heaven". Sometimes we cannot see or measure in the earth-time what we have asked for and desire to be made manifest on this plane. There is a higher law running all of it.
The full moon is the time to contemplate the mystery of it all. Take the opportunity to forgive for yourself to unbind yourself from the past. Being willing to let go so we can allow our wishes to come true. The letting go is the part that gets messed up because we want it and we want it now. The allowing and receiving is a truly important piece. Some things are for you and some are not. Or they are not for you yet because something way bigger and more amazing is still being created.
Aries Full Moon Ritual:
*Write down the emotional junk you have been carrying.
Ask yourself...
What is slowing you down?
What is affecting you from the past?
What do you really want to let go of?
What character traits do I wish to be healed and transformed?
What beliefs about yourself and life do you want to say "See Ya!" to and"Bye!! ?
*Feel deeply as you write these things down. Know that their release is a natural part of communing with the moon. Feel that positive expectation and trust running through you. The Universe has heard your intention.
*Finish with, "This or something better for the greater good of all. Thank you" All prayers are answered.
We are awakening now intensely since the Black Moon Lilith in Libra and Mars in Capricorn the sign of goals and organization, a forward motion has begun. Celebrate and do your full moon ritual from above. Have a bonfire in your backyard. Luna will happily glow and bestow her lovely magic upon you.
*Oracle Cards: Vintage Wisdom ~ Victoria Moseley
Happy Full Moon!
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