Phoenix Rising: Scorpio Full Moon May 10th 2017

Scorpio rules magic, rebirth and spirituality. Scorpios themselves are loyal, mysterious, strong, passionate and ambitious. This moon phase is of the toxic clearing, soul-level kind. The serpent, eagle and ultimately the phoenix, rise up from the aches of our dark and stormy discontents and character traits. Negative experiences from the past can get made into good medicine. You have access to Magic my dear!

Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon, and protector of children, was sometimes called the virgin. She was a lone huntress perfectly able to care for herself. She was a bad-ass. In "The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth" by Monica Sjoo & Barbara Moor, they reveal the original meaning of the word virgin, which meant to be an unmarried woman, not belonging to a man and sexually independent. She was "one-in-herself". Moon priestesses were called virgins. The word virgin itself comes from its latin root, meaning force, strength and skill, and was associated with sexual independence, not sexual chastity. 

Artemis shows the intense work you've done on yourself. You've fought to become whole. You've been driven to grow and it's no easy task sometimes. This card says "good job!". You've done a lot of work! You've gained inner-power from seeing clearly what can tear you down inside and what could tear others down. This Scorpio Full Moon is pushing that cleanse. Perfectionism can have a high-octave edge in business but not-so-much in relationships. If you are an emotional person, your compassion can be a great healer, especially when you are a coach or therapist, but could make keeping boundaries difficult. Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential.  

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and it is an act of political warfare. ~
~ Audre Lorde

As I often say we are human and divine. We have needs and desires, and the need to be intimately close with our beloveds. Scorpio is a passionate and sexual sign ruling the sacral chakra of creativity, passion and sexuality. If you don't feel like you are shedding your skin, a scorpionic event, you might still be going through the cycle of death, rebirth and transcendence. You might still be trying to find your authenticity in the underworld of change. This lunar phase paves the way for all that wants to be shed. It's metamorphosis at soul level depths. Up your self-devotion. Feed your desires as well as your responsibilities.   

Lakshmi ~ Bright Future
The way is clear now. This card shows where you are right now in the present. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, beauty, affluence and life purpose. Go for the gold now. I love silver and feel it's connected to the goddess and the moon, but I want gold too. I've never felt like wearing gold. This is what I mean about this moon. Things about you might be unrecognizable to your past self. 

She says to not worry. It's time to release the blocks related to your life purpose, your wealth and your joy. If you don't have a gratitude journal, start one right away. Create a success strategy. What you do everyday is where the gold is. This card says great things are on their way. Open your hands and let go. Follow your passion. 

Butterfly Maiden
Hopi goddess Butterfly Maiden symbols are spring flowers, fertility and rebirth. Her presence is perfectly in sync for this oracle card reading. Butterflies another one of her symbols, represent metamorphosis. Did you know a caterpillar completely dissolves before it becomes a great and beautiful butterfly? What is it that you really want let go of now? Even if you think you can't, or have no idea how you could? Full moons are for releasing. Because of the deep soul-level clearing that is available, you can heal from toxic emotions and long-standing resentments. Full moons are for forgiveness. If jealousy and resentment have got their claws in you, you can move on. You can at least begin now. Compete with yourself and forget everything else. 

Where are you emotionally uncomfortable? There is important info there. Geneen Roth who wrote "Women Food and God", talks about how leaning into our pain, instead of stuffing ourselves with food, is where healing is. There are emotions and feelings there that need attention. You might be feeling overwhelmed during the full moon. It's the perfect time to slowly start looking at long-standing procrastination, obsession and anxiety, and any emotional difficulties that a professional could help you with, or look at them through journaling and meditation. If you need spiritual support, you might want to get an oracle card reading.  

As always these are general readings. If you want an in-depth, personal and intuitive reading visit me here to schedule your session. Talk to me in the comments below, or write me here What's going on for you right now? Did this reading touch you? What major decisions are you getting ready to make? I am here for you always. 

Oracle cards: Goddess Deck ~ Doreen Virtue   

Have a magical full moon!
Xo Your Virgo Goddess

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